Mr. Lucas Bender

Lukas Bender



2009-2011 Medical Studies, pre-clinic,
Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, Germany
2011- Medical Studies, clinic
Technische University, Munich, Germany
2014- MD Thesis on “MicroRNAs in Cardiovascular Disease”
King’s College London, UK
Supervision: Manuel Mayr, London; Stefan Engelhardt, Munich



1 Kaudewitz D, Skroblin P, Bender LH, Barwari T, Willeit P, Pechlaner R, Sunderland NP, Willeit K, Morton AC, Armstrong PC, Chan MV, Lu R, Yin X, Gracio F, Dudek K, Langley SR, Zampetaki A, de Rinaldis E, Ye S, Warner TD, Saxena A, Kiechl S, Storey RF, Mayr M. Association of MicroRNAs and YRNAs With Platelet Function. Circ Res. 2016 118 : 420-432. [Full Text] [PubMed] [DOI]

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